
X-ray Vision Camera Lens Infrared Filter


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This infrared filter now makes Xray vision is now a reality! AT A NEW REDUCED PRICE – Limited Supply!


This specially-designed X-ray filter turns an ordinary video camera (with NightShot or NightVision feature) into a super-stealthy Xray vision camera. It sees right through clothes, dark windows and sunglasses as if they were’nt even there! This technology has been adapted and marketed to make real xray cameras, x-ray vision, and x-ray infrared pass filters.

Unlike the Xray glasses you probably saw advertised in the back of comic books when you were a kid, this technology really DOES see RIGHT through many types of fabric and papers. The filter is ideal for law enforcement officers, and security and surveillance personnel.

The theory behind how it works is really simple. Many types of clothing allow light and infrared light to pass through the fabric. This light is reflected back through the clothing, off the skin, to our naked eyes. What we normally see is both the reflected normal light mixed with the Infrared light. The lens filters the normal light out, leaving only the Infrared light and some other ambient light waves. The result…the clothing (and many other materials) become as clear as glass.

Xray vision camera lens

The best fabrics to see-through with this Xray vision filter are silks, swimwear (most swimwear is designed to allow some UV light to pass through to help with tan lines, and in doing so, allows the IR to pass through as well), and most types of synthetic material like leotards. Since what you’ll see is true IR and not xray vision (which is good, because who wants to look at bones?), what you see is in full living color.

X-ray vision lens

Size : available in sizes of 30mm / 37mm / 58mm
Weight : 50g

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs

30mm, 37mm, 58mm


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